What is a Resident Assistant

What is a
Resident Assistant

Photo of Resident Assistants

Why be an Resident Assistant at Nebraska?

Resident Assistant Training

RAs undergo annual training before the academic year begins. Collaborating with campus partners, we ensure comprehensive preparation for your role, fostering a sense of community within both the department and individual hall teams. Training starts on Friday, August 9, 2024, and concludes on the first day of the fall semester.

Position Responsibilities

The RA position is dynamic, in that it requires a lot of critical thinking. Students who are RAs can count on serving in a variety of different ways. Learn more in this document (pdf).

Position Requirements

To qualify for the RA position, you must be an active, good-standing UNL student and attend RA training in both fall and spring semesters. Duty coverage extends through breaks until the RA agreement concludes on the Sunday after spring graduation, as per the academic calendar.

Time Commitment

The RA position is a 19.6-hour/week job with varying tasks each week. You must attend a Wednesday staff meeting (7-9 p.m.), be on duty 1 day/week, and 1 weekend/month. Other duties align with your academic schedule and commitments.


RAs receive room, board, and a semester stipend based on years of service to the department: $600 (1-2 semesters) and $800 (3+ semesters).

RA On Duty

As an RA, you must fulfill on-call/duty responsibilities for your building, which usually amounts to one day per week and one weekend per month. These duties may vary depending on your staff team and schedule.

Residence Life Acronyms

Here are some terms we often use in our department:

  • RA (Resident Assistant)
  • SRA (Senior Resident Assistant – someone who is in their 2nd+ year in the RA position)
  • RD (Residence Director) – supervisor to RAs/SRAs
  • SRD (Senior Residence Director) – supervisor to RAs/SRAs and a graduate student
  • ADRL (Assistant Director of Residence Life) – supervisor of RDs/SRDs in certain areas
  • ASK – Abel/Sandoz/Kauffman complex
  • KUEC – Knoll/University Suites/Eastside Suites, and East Campus complex
  • HSSVC – Harper/Schramm/Smith/Village/Courtyards complex
  • SSM (Student Services Manager) – Manages the front desk functions and desk staff

Resident Assistants (RAs) are integral members of our student staff. RAs live and work within the campus residence halls.

RAs develop the community on their assigned floors by offering resources and support to residents, organizing engaging programs, handling administrative tasks, actively participating in staff meetings, and fulfilling duty responsibilities for their respective halls.
