Name First Required Last Required Email Required Phone Number Department/Organization Required Event Name Required Type of Event Required - Select -Public EventPrivate EventStudent EventUNL Department/College EventOther Start Date Required When you want your image to start appearing on our digital boards. End Date Required When you want your image to stop appearing on our digital boards. Where should this be displayed? Abel/Sandoz Complex East Campus (Massengale Residential Center and East Campus Dining Center) Harper/Schramm/Smith Complex Selleck Complex University Suites Complex Willa Cather Dining Complex All of the above Upload your first digital signage graphic that has been created for this event. Required One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png. Do you have more images for your event that you would like displayed? - None -YesNo Upload up to four (4) more images for your event. Upload your second digital signage graphic that has been created for this event (if applicable). One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png. Upload your third digital signage graphic that has been created for this event (if applicable). One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png. Upload your fourth digital signage graphic that has been created for this event (if applicable). One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png. Upload your fifth digital signage graphic that has been created for this event (if applicable). One file only.20 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png. Additional information for this event. Leave this field blank