Good. Fresh. Local. Featured Producer:
Bluff Valley Farm

Farm Name: Bluff Valley Farm Natural Meats (information from Ken and Mary Grace Thiltges)

Location: Rural Rulo, NE (far southeastern corner of NE)

Owners' Names/Family role on farm: Ken and Mary Grace Thiltges and children. "We have no employees and all work together as a family."

Primary Products Grown: Naturally-raised Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Pork and Turkey

Purpose/Philosophy: "To provide healthy meat products for our family and our customers."

Website: "We have a web page on the Nebraska Food Cooperative website:"

Farming methods: "We use no antibiotics or artificial growth hormones, we feed organically grown grasses, forages and non-GMO grain."

Markets: "Direct from the farm, Haymarket Farmers' Market in Lincoln (alternate Saturdays), Open Harvest Coop, Red Clover Market and Cetak's Gourmet Meats in Lincoln."

Why did you start farming? "We are fifth generation on our farm and because of our love for the land."

What is your favorite part of farming? "Working in the pasture, rotationally grazing our animals."

What is the most challenging part of farming? "Making ends meet financially."

How did you learn about UNL's Good. Fresh. Local. program? "Through our membership in the Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society."

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